Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four weeks down

This morning was my one month weigh in.  I'm another 5 pounds down for a grand total of 24 pounds.  Super cool, yes!

I'm even wearing an outfit I haven't looked good in since I bought it nine months ago - so to say the least I'm feeling very positive.

Next week is the official end of the first phase of the diet.  I'm allowed to do phase one again and then the doctor wants me to take 2-4 weeks off to let my brain catch up with my body.  During the time off he wants me to only maintain my weight and not gain or lose.  With the momentum I have going that is going to be hard... just stop!?!  Ugh!  But I suppose that the doctor knows what is best - and maybe not learning how to maintain weight loss has always been the big problem.  I'd lose and lose and get somewhere close to a goal and then boom!  I had no idea how to maintain - but I was very well learned in how to gain.  That is for sure.

With any luck I'll have an incredible week as I'd love to see myself hit 30 lbs in the 5 weeks.  I'll have to up the exercise quite a bit - but that'll obviously be worth it if I can hit that mark!  The doc has one patient who lost 80 pounds is under 6 months.  Obviously this diet works wonders for a lot of people.

I'm feeling good still.  Not too hungry.  Not too many cravings.  I feel a bit peckish still in the evenings - but night time has always been the worst for me.  I imagine I've gained 85% of all of my weight in my life after 7pm.  To block the hunger, which is minimal, I've been guzzling liquids in mass quantities after work.  It's not too much fun getting up to use the loo 5-7 times between 9p and 6a -- but so it goes.

Anyway - I've started letting the office buy my lunch during the week.  I've been stopping at a much nicer Whole Foods in Westwood and making a salad on my way into work.  I'm keeping a bottle of my apple cider vinegar dressing in the work fridge and all is working well here.

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