Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sidetracked by mucus. Sorta.

Well, of course I'm going to blame getting sick on having a bad couple of weeks.  But if I don't take responsibility for everything I'll never succeed.  So.  I had a crappy couple of weeks.  The first week I was sick I still lost 3 pounds... however I haven't lost anything since.  In fact, I gained a half a pound.

But then there is this.  I took a weekend "off" on purpose.  I just felt if I hadn't taken the weekend off I would have thrown in the towel for a much longer period of time.  So I thought it was responsible to have one bad weekend... not to mention I doctor had suggested I take a whole week or two off... so one weekend isn't going to destroy me in the long run.

However, fate smacked me in the face.  Halloween weekend - the cheat weekend - I ordered the much desired pizza from Frankie and Johnnies.  And guess what.  The mutha fuckas burned the bottom of the pizza rendering it icky.  Talk about diet Karma.   I didn't eat any halloween candy though!

Anyway, I'm back on the wagon as of Sunday and so far so... ok.  It's been a small struggle getting back on the wagon but I'm seat-belted in and won't be falling off again until Christmas.  

I would love to rejoin Curves or there is this new Gym literally 3/10 of a mile from me called Pink something that would be an ideal place to work out - but alas I'll need to wait for a raise to afford a gym membership.   Did you guys know that a membership to the YMCA costs $57 a month.  I think that is one of the worst things I've ever heard.  Bastard gougers.

Anyway, back to losing weight.